She Erased Her | Himanshu Rai | Book Review

She Erased Her by Himanshu Rai Book Review

She Erased Her by Himanshu Rai Book Review
She Erased Her by Himanshu Rai Book Review

It doesn't matter if it's an illusion or a dream, the mother reality from time to time gives us abrupt jerks to realize that we are real and living in a world of chaos and we have to fight and survive if we want to keep breathing for the next day. Moving on isn't forgetting the past but it's accepting it. But what happens when you don't have a past. Maybe it is easy if you are not getting illusions and flashbacks of your past. But if you are not a clean slate but a notepad from which the last page where everything has been written was erased by someone. And the next page looks all neat and clean to write a new story but the past story is still imprinted over it. It's not visible but it's there. You just need to scribble it out.


She Erased Her by Himanshu Rai, starts with the lead heroine of the story, Samaira Sinha. A girl with no past. She has been in a coma for eight long months after being gone through a tragic and horrendous accident at Noida, Greater Noida expressway. A gruesome accident that gives her god-awful scars and a memory loss. After waking up from a coma she is only able to recognize her mother, she knows nothing about her, she gets all the details about her from her mother. But there is a name which is aching in her mind, about which her mother knows nothing. But the name Kaira sounds very familiar to Samaira.

It is a terrible experience for Samaira to join the company where she works as a cartoonist. She knows no one there but her boss, who helps her and her mother to go through their hard times. But other things at the office look too fallacious to Samaira, whoever she meets there, gives her a warm welcome like they have known her for decades while Samaira doesn't recognize a single of them. And even in her company, no one knows any Kaira as there is no one working with that name.

Who is Kaira? The thought keeps painstaking in Samaira's mind and she doesn't have any clue about Kaira or her past. And even she doesn't have any idea how that gruesome accident actually happened to her. There are a lot of suspicious things that are not fitting well in the story of her accident. Like, her car has been found ten kilometers away from where she was rescued. And the most skeptical thing is she doesn't have any photos of her in the house. 

She is too doubtful about her past and present, and overall her identity is a questionable thing for her. Who she really is and what happened to her before her trip to the coma? A plethora of questions and to get all the answers she has to find Kaira which seems the only fragment of her past which can potentially solve the whole puzzle.

While questing for Kaira on Facebook she gets a friend request from a guy named Rohan who used to be in the same college where Samaira graduated. He claims to be her friend and an ex-boyfriend of hers. Soon he becomes the biggest hope for Samaira to get track of her past life. Rohan seems like a good guy to her, and he is a handsome, good-looking guy with a perfect physique, charming smile, and a dashing beard. Neither his presence nor his conduct seems alarming to Samaira. She is kind of attracted to him. 

But the name Kaira is still a mystery because Rohan also doesn't know her. But then the mystery name holder takes a part in her life when she starts getting flowers that hold notes by Kaira. In her notes, she is warning Samaira to get herself away from Rohan while she has time because Rohan is the guy who hurts her once and he can do it again if she gives him the opportunity by putting her faith in him again. Is Rohan really not a good guy or someone has ulterior reasons to demean his image in front of Samaira.

It before Samaira was able to reckon things up in the right order, Kaira died and she becomes the prime suspect of her murder. All the mystery, secrets, and an ongoing murder investigation becomes a trigger point for Samaira and she starts having blurry flashbacks of a terrible memory in which she is feeling a humongous pain in her breast and all over other places where she has scars. Like every scar and healed bruises and wounds of her body fester altogether. Someone is scratching and biting over her body like an animal, she is feeling a brobdingnagian force over her body and it gets heavier and heavier with every minuscule second.

A plethora of questions are still fresh and painstaking, if the girl who has been dead isn't Kaira then who is the real Kaira?

What is the past of Samaira and how does Kaira have a part in it? Is Rohan a good-loving boyfriend of Samaira or a villain under the veneer? Has Samaira ever been raped? Who killed Samaira's mother? All the answers are waiting for you. To have them all grab your copy of "She Erased Her" today.

Narration and Writing

Himanshu Rai is really a genius and a commendable writer. His book My Mute Girlfriend is still as fresh as new in my memory, his writing style is so picturesque that once you read his stories they stay for a long time inside of your head. The book She Erased Her is a plain sailing experience in reading. It was a smoothly written story though it needs an eagle eye proofreading to fix the typos and grammar errors. The narration of the book is captivating and intriguing, the mystery of Kaira is a cliffhanger which makes it an unputdownable book till the end. The narration is descriptive and the characters' development is also good, every character looks good in their position.


An erotica thriller book with a sensitive topic and a nail-biting mystery, it is as perfect as it sounds. The book She Erased Her is a  riveting story that compels you to read it in one go. It's a short and fast-paced read. I like the way the author puts all the twists and turns into the book which makes the story an unpredictable read. I kept assuming theories of my own and failing drastically as the story came up with its own chilling shocks and surprises which is the best thing. Picking a favorite character from this book is quite a task because for me it's the story that is the lead Heroine of this book. And it's my favorite.

Recommendation -  This book isn't for everyone, you should be at least 16+ to read this book as it has many sexual and horrendous content which can be disturbing. Although others can pick this book for sure. It's a really entertaining book with a strong message and gripping storyline.

-Abhi Panwar

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