Verity | Colleen Hoover | Book Review

Verity by Colleen Hoover Book Review

Verity by Colleen Hoover Book Review
Verity by Colleen Hoover Book Review

My Musings

A sharp bone penetrating dagger dipped in lethal poison and it can also be torched up, to emit the torrid flames of fire from it to meltdown every gooseflesh of yours. The Book Verity by Colleen Hoover felt like this to me, a lethal and disturbing combination that keeps me on my toes till the end of the book. I can't able to assume or envisage what would kill me at the end of the book. 

As a writer, I adore the writing of Colleen Hoover. And I'm getting addicted to her writing style. As soon as her book starts, the fascinating and vivid narration of it lures me to read the whole book in one go. 

Verity is the second book of Colleen which I finished reading. And it's completely different in genre and style from the first book which I read. But still both the books are a five-star read for me. It's hard to pick among her "It's Ends With Us" and "Verity" As I equally love to read both genres. Both the books have a knotty plot, and every intermingled string makes sense at the end. 


Lowen is on the verge of getting financially broke, she has already started getting eviction notices from the company that allotted her the apartment. In that same apartment, Lowen lost her mother two weeks ago. Lowen is a mediocre writer and she writes suspense novels and she has a decent audience. 

However, if she tries she could get a brobdingnagian size of readership but for that, she has to be in the middle of the sea of people. She has to attend book tours and has to be nice around her readers but just like me, people scare her. She is an introvert and doesn't like to be around people because it makes her do weird things and she might lose whatever readers she has if things go south every time.

She stays up inside the peripheries of her apartment as much as she can. The reticence which she has; is an outcome of her past. And due to that past, she has minimal friends and even her mother doesn't feel safe around her, especially at night.

Fortunately, she has a literary agent who comes up with a deal for her when she is about to look for a part-time job to survive in Manhattan. At the place of the meeting, she meets with a known stranger, Jeremy.

Jeremy has an idea of his wife which has been agreed by the publication house. Verity wants to hire Lowen on commission for the continuation of her book series virtue. Six books had been already published and if Lowen takes the deal she has to write the remaining three books of the series. As an obedient messenger, Jeremy conveyed his wife's message as Verity is not capable of writing the remaining books. 

A lucrative deal, a prosperous future, and the persuasiveness of charming Jeremy makes Lowen sign the deal. But even before putting her first step inside the humongous house of Verity. She has a lot of doubts in her head, which is making her mind leave as fast as she can from the house. Because living in that house where death and misery loom from all the corners, is a very bad idea. But to write the remaining books she has to know Verity's work and style and if her luck works she can find some notes regarding the upcoming books. 

But It is the most unfortunate day of her life because she stumbled upon an autobiography of Verity. Acknowledgment of which tells to avoid this autobiography of hers because it's not self-praising. It has the darkest truths of Verity and her family. And the warnings of Verity's only make Lowen more curious and veracious to know Verity. Jeremy. And the story behind the deaths of their daughters.

What so dark is hidden in the autobiography of Verity?

All of a sudden how an inert body of Verity starts making Lowen, losing her mind altogether?

Is the autobiography manipulating Lowen's mind and she is about to do something drastic which she is going to regret later?


In one word, Verity by Colleen Hoover is a disturbing book. And even after reading the whole book. The wreckage. The damage. And the whole hollowness of the book will stay alive in your head. Forget about sleeping, if you're reading this book at night or finished reading it. Because once you read the whole book, you are going to be sleep-deprived.

Colleen has a phenomenal way of telling her stories and it always binds me with the characters of her stories. Because everything about her characters is so riveting to read and feel.

The twist of the book Verity is going to catch you off guard. I felt the heaviness of a big humongous rock on my heart while reading some of the chapters of the book. Even envisaging something like that is unspeakably horrible, and when I read these horrendous excerpts of the book Verity, It hits me in the gut.  

Taking breathers while reading Verity is crucial otherwise you are going to feel an uncontrollable ache and hollowness in your heart. Because the Verity has a mind-sickening and nasty tale of hers to tell in the autobiography of hers. 

Verity keeps me on the tenterhooks all the time. And when at last I felt that climax is about to end on a happily-after note, and every measurable and unsettling thing is going to be on halt for good. But then, that dagger had been stabbed again in my mind and it got ruthlessly twisted inside, the way the book Verity ends on a mind-boggling and thought-provoking end.


All the adult, psychological thriller and Colleen Hoover's fans out there, can read this book immediately. It has a great knotty plot and an unbelievable cliffhanger at the end.

-Abhi Panwar

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