As A Man Thinketh | James Allen | Book Review

As A Man Thinketh | James Allen | Book Review

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen Book Review
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen Book Cover

It is unbelievable to comprehend how James Allen managed to deliver so many helpful and life-changing lessons, in this short, 35 pages read. It is way too incredible to find and read such an inspiring book which has been published a century ago. Nevertheless, its impact on readers is still phenomenal. All the principles of the book have been explained in an oversimplified language that any reader can read and understand the rudimentary thought process of a human mind and know how this affects a person's mind and his circumstances in the long run.

Man is mind - The author says that Mind is the master power and Men is the one who can make his life wonderful or distressed by feeding ill or positive thoughts. It's the process of thought which eventually built your character and characteristics. Even A Man's habits are the results of his own unconscious thoughts.

As a man, if you want to be a good noble human being then you need not wait for some phenomenal magic because that's not going to happen. None of a man born with godlike noble qualities. It is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with Godlike thoughts. If a man is doing continuous efforts on right thinking he will live a more subtle life than others. 

Man is always the master, even in his weaker and most abandoned state. The author says even in the worst situation of our life, we are the one who is master of our mind. If we stop giving attention to our thoughts, like an abandoned house, it will grow weed and cobwebs. 

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen Book Cover
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

It is a philosophical book. Which has a simple but subtle observation of the human mind and how good and bad thoughts affect the mind and man. The author throughout the book gives references to Jesus, Budhha, and Krishna. The central theme of the book is to enlighten readers about their consciousness and make them aware of their true potential. Anybody can become, whatever and whoever he wants to become by doing continuous practice and right, active and good thinking towards the goal.

If a man is surrounded by an unfortunate situation and keeps on thinking about his pain and misery then the small problems will feel like a mammoth task while he lets the pain guide him and keep his mind focused on things that can take him out of the situation, only then he will earn the success which he rightly deserves.

If you see the world as your companion, you will take and absorb good things from it which will build your thoughts positively and make your character subtle and powerful. While if you see your world as your enemy, you only harbor malice and fearful thoughts and become an evil person.

In a nutshell

The book is going to change your life completely, once you take its teachings to your heart. It is a highly effective book in making a man's overall character. It won't happen in a day or two but if you stick to its teaching, believe me, gradually you will start growing up entirely as a different person with a subtle mindset. Reading this, you can overcome many ills and doubts which are pushing you into the hollow of fear and depression. I would recommend you to have a small notebook and write down things which you find relatable while reading this book. And read those particular notes every day, in the long run, it will definitely work. 


Everyone should read this book. If you're a student, it is highly recommended for you. At the initial phase of life, if one reads this book, it'll help them to build their conduct and mindset. Even parents should read this book and try to teach their children the teachings of it. If you're struggling or at the peak of your career, in both cases, you should read this book. It is the mother of all the other self-help books. So do read it.

Abhi Panwar

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