Beauty Kills | Nicholas Jordan | Book Review

Beauty Kills by Nicholas Jordan Book Review

Beauty Kills by Nicholas Jordan Book Review
Beauty Kills by Nicholas Jordan Book Cover

All we need is a shining guardian angel with wings to save us and mostly our loved ones from the chaos. And finding one in the middle of a haywire situation can raise some suspicion for sure when there is no one other to put a finger on but the savior himself. 

But what happens when your misgivings don't get much attention or what happens when you start seeing the good side of the picture to deny the ugly reality. What happens when gut feeling kicks into the gutter to welcome the fishy?

Heather has one pertinent job to do and it is taking care of her daughter Lizzie, her protection is the priority for Heather and Her younger husband David. And to make sure of this, they move out from their previous place to a more peaceful and safe neighborhood. 

But the ominous happens in the house when Heather's negligence puts their daughter's life in jeopardy, and so David decides to hire a babysitter to make sure that it never happens again.

Despite Heather's initial misgivings, she begins to see the bright side of having Angelique, the new babysitter, around to help out. But Angelique has plans of her own. She schemes her way into driving a wedge between Heather and David while trying to seduce David. But what is her end game? Is it purely mischievous born out of lust for an attractive older man? Or is it something far more sinister?


The model on the cover is giving all the creepy vibes of a dangerous creepy serial killer and her appearance is perfectly matching with the description of the killer in the book "Beauty Kills".


There is no second thought about the title. The "Beauty Kills" is a well-picked and catchy title that is perfectly apt for the story of the book.


The story starts with a mother who is howling at her daughter who is not giving any attentiveness or reply to her mother's non-stop remarks. At the end of the scenario, that girl is an orphan. And a girl is there with her most devilish smile and a galactic glitter of satisfaction in her eyes. 

Gruesome murders and dead bodies after the story goes further on skipping three months to drop us into the world of a beautiful and loving couple. The husband David is younger than the wife Heather. But the duo is a perfect combo of the power couple. 

And they have an adorable, innocent, and chirpy daughter Lizzie. This happy family of three gets into a haywire situation when the first tiny crack shows up on the faith of the couple on each other. And it was enough for the killer to move into their life to destroy the family inside and out and to kill one particular person from the family to take vengeance.

Characters In Lead

Heather - She is a woman with a dark past in the closet, which leads her through mental illness and paranoia in her past life, and with time, it makes her a sociopath in some way and she only smells suspicion and ominous when she is around new people. 

She also runs a blog where she writes about her suffering and she also encourages other women throughout her page to speak about their pain, mental health, and how they survive from their sufferings or if they need any help. She posts other women's stories on her blog to spread it to the world that there is no shame in coming forward to tell and talk about the truth. 

It's her blog writing which inspires her to write a book about her suffering and survival story. The process and progress of the book are great though it develops elephantine chaos in her parental and marital life.

David - He is a handsome good looking man and an equally caring and loving husband of Heather and an overprotective father of Lizzie. I have all my sympathy for him as he was going through a rough patch in his professional life. It is great to have a promotion and to be on a better post in the company though it makes you more answerable to the company and you have to deliver ten times better results. 

He is having too many balls in his hand and cherry on the top at his home Heather is behaving all carelessly and failing herself as a mother and wife. Heather has been found a series of times passed out on the working table in front of her laptop screen while working on her book. David is losing his faith in his wife; it leads him right into the web of the Killer.

Angelique - With her sumptuous appearance, she looks like a modern-day angel. Her profile can make any boy or girl attracted to her in seconds. She is a slayer with her hourglass figure, smooth pale white skin, and a glorious alluring grin that cannot be avoided, no matter how hard you try. Her chirpy voice with extra sugar-coated words is a complimentary treat to the ears. 

Her charm and beauty are infectious and no one can stay immune around her for a long time. Glance can be an escape but once you fixate your eyes on her. There you're trapped! In her game. She is perfect in her work and unbelievably polite to stay for extra hours. What else can she do when the lady of the house is too busy to get over her writing muse. So Angelique needs to stay to take care of Lizzie and to welcome David. Is she doing something wrong?


The great thing about Nicholas Jordan's books is that they all are fast-paced, lucid, and smooth in reading and everything which is happening in the stories is portrayed live in action. Which makes the whole story a picturesque experience for me. The development of the characters is real and effective. And the chaos which is happening around and between the couple is believable. 

But the strength and the backbone of the book 'Beauty Kills' by Nicholas Jordan is its top quality and commendable narration. And the strong characters and characteristics made the book a good deal and an entertainer to kill the time. The plot and the concept of the book are very hackneyed though the suspense and the tension are going to blow your mind. 

Even though at a moment I was completely sure about the real culprit, the hunger for knowing the reason behind is the main reason for me to read till the end of the story. And it becomes nail-biting when an innocent life is in danger. So overall the book 'Beauty Kills' by Nicholas Jordan is a good read before indulging yourself in a giant book or series or to get over with one.


If you have very little time to read because of your tight work schedule but you really wanna read something between the break or before or after work then this book is good to grab. It is also a beginner-friendly book with simple language and lucid narration.

-Abhi Panwar

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