The Secret Keeper | Brea Brown | Book Review

The Secret Keeper by Brea Brown Book Review

The Secret Keeper by Brea Brown Book Review
The Secret Keeper by Brea Brown Book Review

Being an Indian Hindu and in some way an atheist. When I first read the blurb of the book I thought it's going to be an out-of-the-box religious book for me. But as a seeker of romance, I hoped to get copious amounts of romance, love, drama, and less religious things in the book. Knowing the fact that I'm taking a risk because many people labeled the book as a Christian fiction book so I was shilly-shallying to read the book though I go for it. 

The heroine of the book, Peyton is a modern, independent girl, and bold in making her life decisions though after making any big decision, the best part of the time she spends in a dilemma. She has an utter inferiority complex about her chubbiness and it was the reason which pushed her into a humongous pit of secrets that she cannot keep for longer. 

In the introductory part of the book, Peyton is a loner even though she has a big family and two best friends who love her to the death though a part of her always feels enormous loneliness and emptiness. And this void needs to be filled with love and affection and that can't be filled by her friends and family because it needs to be different from friendliness or family care.

However, she might not fall into those pit of problems in which she is, if her whole family isn't using her as an unofficial secret keeper of their petty and usual secrets. Everyone in her family has a secret and they cannot keep it to themselves, so they unload them into Peyton's pair of ears. 

This involuntary job of secret-keeping is nibbling her, as she never got a chance to get surprised or shocked, as she knows everything already. But then things take a turn for the worse when she starts nurturing a shock for the family, a secret that is going to change her life forever

The problem in being the secret keeper of your own family is, whatever is going on and whatever is going to happen, it's all on you, because whenever you become a part of a secret you also become responsible for the consequences of that secret. You keep it to yourself or reveal to others in both cases you are becoming responsible for the chaos for someone or everyone.

Because family secrets aren't like any other secret where we can take advantage. The family secrets are those flimsy threads in your hand which if you pull wrongly or give too much loose to them; they ultimately make a trap that chokes every relation of the family which ties with it. 

No matter how modern Peyton is, she lives in a family which is highly conservative and religiously bound. Peyton is sympathetic towards others and when she knows exactly who is going through what, it all becomes more difficult for her to reveal the secret of her; as her family is going to see it as a sin because that's what the holy book says and they believe. 

Peyton isn't going to be able to hide her secret for longer and it's before it shows up on its own she needs to tell her parents. But the decision-making is becoming a planet-size dilemma for her. She needs urgent help in decision making and for that, she goes to a church where she meets with Pastor Brice Northam.

Along with all the other church business, listening to the secrets and problems of the church members and giving them better counseling and advice comes in the job description of Pastor Brice. And being a young Pastor of the church makes him a hot topic among the ladies though the topic never avowed by anyone. It all goes in the mind and under the hush breathes. 

Brice and Peyton are two poles apart persons in their nature and beliefs though slowly and steadily friendship flourishes among both and it isn't as a Pastor and help-seeking member of the church but it is the friendship of the two young people, Brice and Peyton.

Peyton isn't ready to make the second giant blunder of her life as she is already caring for one with her. Quenching down all the sinful feelings for Brice. She decides to give a fling to Drex; her Internet friend and her company's client's associate. Who is completely oblivious of her secret.

The story is about Peyton's decision-making in her life and how its consequences for her and the people around her; and how she gradually learns from her mistakes and grows like a better person in her life. 

Now the question is what secret she is hiding from her family and what will happen when the Brobdingnagian secret comes out of her mouth? Whom she is going to choose ultimately? Is it going to be Drex, the cool funny guy with tattoos who is completely oblivious of her secret or It is going to be Pastor Brice, who always stands with and for her? And if it's Brice, how the modern woman, Peyton, is going to handle the hurricane which comes with it?


It's ordinary and way too simple for the story. It's pleasant and positive though there is nothing to pick up about the story from the cover. It has a lock and key and a pinkish background and that's all. It looks like it is in the most minimal way inspired by the title.


The Secret Keeper is completely apt for the book. because there are a lot of little secrets among the big ones and everyone needs to get rid of them to put the burden off their chest to feel lite and calm. Everyone needs a secret keeper.

Characters In Lead

Peyton - Confession! I have a huge crush on Peyton. She is an amazing modern highly unpredictable woman who with life can be a ginormous never-ending adventure. She is blunt and bold but also caring and sympathetic and she is full of surprises. 

She can pull those things very easily which people doubt on her though when someone thinks that it's an easy situation for her to not mess it up she turns the table upside down. The best part about her is she never holds back when it's about experiencing new things and she always learns from mistakes and the growth she has in the story is commendable.

Brice - The pastor is really calm and collective, his thoughts and faith about the almighty are pure and strong. Though on many occasions, he questions his faith and the will of God. The best thing about him is that he is never afraid to question things and find answers. 

When you question things you open the door for possibilities and when you ultimately get your answer, it makes your faith stronger than before. He expresses his love to Peyton in the purest way and he loves her truly madly in every possible way. 

Drex - Truth always breaks the veneer and it brings the true colors of the people and when it happens It can be you or the other one in both cases one has to accept the other or leave for the good. Drex is the entertainment of the story. 

He is a funny guy who always makes Peyton laugh with his humorous remarks till it starts hurting her stomach and cheekbones. He is a mirror image of Peyton in some manners and it attracts her towards him. He has a good heart and a phenomenal talent for painting. He proves it to her when he makes an exceptionally incredible painting of her. 

Narration And Writing 

This is a plain sailing vivid and picturesque narration of the book and the language is easy to read and understand. The author's writing skills are commendable, the way she portrays versatile, lively, and real to life characters and the development of those characters are so riveting. I was deeply engrossed in the book till the last page of it. 

The author Brea Brown did a great job with the characters of the story and the drama she spun around was equally real and intriguing. The pace of the book is steady. Peyton's frustrations, foolishness, and growth progress with time have been portrayed very well. The best part of the author Brea Brown's writing is that she didn't confine the story to its religious factor or the church, she opened all the doors for the characters to grow from their flaws and mistakes. 


The Secret Keeper by Brea Brown is really funny, entertaining and it's based on realism and there were highly emotion-packed parts that made my heart shudder to the core. Seeing Peyton going through the coldest moment of her life all by herself was heart-wrenching to me. 

Everyone loves romance drama and the dilemma which comes along with it. The family drama was real, it doesn't matter if you are a Christian or not, you are going to relate with the story of the book. Its concept is to teach the value of that one special person who loves and respects you without any judgments and conditions. My favorite part of the book is when Brice confesses his true feelings about Peyton's secret. 


If you are a fan of romance and love drama and love to read a story through a woman's viewpoint narrative then you are going to love this book. But if you are looking for a typical Christian fiction then it can hurt your feelings as it has profane language and descriptions of sex and make-outs, so if these things bother you then you shouldn't read or better not blame me or the author if you do so. 

If this review or the storyline of the book makes you compulsive to read the book then grab your copy and read. Don't forget to tell me later what you like about the book. 

-Abhi Panwar

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